Meetings, agendas and minutes

You can access a wide range of information and documents relating to the Council’s decision making processes, find out about Council meetings and decisions and obtain details of your local Councillors.

Most meetings are open for the public to attend and watch by webcast.


You can browse the agendas and minutes of the full range of councillor meetings. You can find meeting dates, the agendas, minutes and reports and issues that will be discussed in the future.

You can use the Calendar to see the dates and times of forthcoming meetings.

Decisions expected to be taken in coming weeks by Cabinet can be found on the latest Forward Plan.


In Rotherham there are 59 elected Councillors.

For many issues relating to the council, your local councillor would be your first point of contact.

The Labour Group has overall control of the Council and the number of Councillors for each political group is:-

Attending and raising questions at meetings

Meetings take place at Rotherham Town Hall unless otherwise stated.

Members of the public are welcome to ask a question at the beginning of each Cabinet meeting without notice. Public questions at Cabinet are restricted to one and a supplementary per member of the public, and should not take more than 20 minutes in total.

Members of the public can also ask questions to the full council meeting. These must be submitted in advance no later than 10 a.m. three working days in advance of the meeting (ie. usually 10.00 a.m. on the Friday before a council meeting the following Wednesday), and should be no more than 60 words in length. For more information or to submit a question please email:-

You can also ask questions at most Scrutiny meetings, so long as these relate to the business of the meeting.


You can view and take part in the council’s current formal public consultations by clicking here.


You can submit and sign Online Petitions and view previous Online Petitions.

Petitions submitted with 20 or more valid signatures are entitled to be presented at a full meeting of the council.

Petitions with 600 or more valid signatures will be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board. Petitions bearing 2,000 or more valid signatures will trigger a debate of the full council.


You can also request that Scrutiny considers a topic. To do so please click here.