Decision details

TRO Consultation Update: Proposed implementation of 20 mph speed limit in Woodall and traffic calming on various roads in Harthill and Woodall, Wales - Local Neighbourhood Road Safety Scheme Fund

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That the Assistant Director of Regeneration & Environment exercises his delegated powers and approves in principle the proposals shown in the drawing at Appendix B and gives authority that:


·       The comments and requests as listed at Appendix A that cannot be actioned due to the financial constraints are not supported.


·       The scheme as shown in the drawings at Appendix B, are implemented.


·       Residents are informed of the decision to implement the road humps and 20mph speed limit as originally advertised.


·       The Director of Legal Services is authorised to make the Order.






Date of Decision:

8th July 2024


TRO Consultation Update: Proposed implementation of 20 mph speed limit in Woodall and traffic calming on various roads in Harthill and Woodall, Wales. – Local Neighbourhood Road Safety Scheme Fund

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Simon Moss, Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration & Transport

Specific Delegation:

(If any)

Council Functions (Executive Functions)

General Delegations

-        Traffic Management Act 2004 and Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984

-        The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

-        Highways Act 1980


The implementation of traffic management, traffic calming and area safety schemes…and the discharge of any function of a regulatory nature and duties in relation to the Traffic Management Act 2004.


Cabinet  – 19 December 2022, Item 90 - The scheme was reported to Cabinet Members on 19th December 2022, and approval was given to enter Local Neighbourhood & Road Safety Schemes into the Capital Programme Transportation Capital Investment Programme (31st March 2023)

Brief Description of Decision:

Approve in principle, the proposals presented and gives authority that:

  1. The comments and requests that cannot be actioned due to the financial constraints are not supported.
  2. The scheme as shown in the drawings are implemented.
  3. Residents are informed of the decision to implement the road humps and 20mph speed limit as originally advertised.
  4. The Director of Legal Services is authorised to make the Order.

Reasons for the Decision:

The report provides an update on the consultation regarding the implementation of a 20mph speed limit on Woodall Lane and Killamarsh Lane, Walseker Lane and Dowcar Lane and the traffic calming on Hard Lane, Thorpe Road, Woodall Lane and Killamarsh Lane.


Consultations took place from the 15th June 2023 and concluded on the 7th June 2024, with no formal objections to the associated Traffic regulation Orders.

Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

Options considered and recommended proposal

-        Do nothing:

Not recommended.

-        Implement all of the works initially requested:

Not recommended.

-        Implement all of the works initially consulted on:

Not recommended.

-        Implement majority of works initially consulted on: Recommended


Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:


Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered

Cabinet  – 19 December 2022, Item 90 - The scheme was reported to Cabinet Members on 19th December 2022, and delegated approval was given to enter Local Neighbourhood & Road Safety Schemes into the Capital Programme Transportation Capital Investment Programme (31st March 2023)


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to update on the consultation regarding the implementation of a 20mph speed limit on Woodall Lane and Killamarsh Lane, Walseker Lane and Dowcar Lane and the traffic calming on Hard Lane, Thorpe Road, Woodall Lane and Killamarsh Lane.



Signed by the Decision Maker  

Dated: 4th July, 2024


Name: Simon Moss                            

Job Title: Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration & Transport



Publication date: 08/07/2024

Date of decision: 08/07/2024

Accompanying Documents: