Decision details

Update to the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy for minor amendments

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To make minor amendments and updates to the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy after an annual review.







Date of Decision:

21 October 2024



Update to the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy for minor amendments



Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Judith Badger, Strategic Director Finance and Customer Services.



Details of Specific Committee Delegation

or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.


In Financial and Procurement Procedure Rules, para 23.2, which states ‘The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for the development and maintenance of an anti-fraud and anti-corruption policy’.

The Monitoring Officer was consulted on the decision making and confirmed that this is in accordance with the Constitution.



To amend and update the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy after an annual review.

Reasons for the Decision:

To maintain the Policy and ensure it is up to date and remains relevant in accurately reflecting the Council’s position with regards to fraud and corruption.

Where the decision is made under specific delegation from a decision making body, the names of any member of the relevant body who has declared a conflict of interest in relation to the decision and name of the body granting the specific delegation and the date when it did so:


No conflicts of interest.

Reports or parts of reports considered

The report of the Head of Internal Audit

Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy, Strategy and Self-assessment against CIPFA Code of Practice.

Report presented to the Audit Committee, 26th September 2024.




I certify that this is a true record of the decision to amend and update the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy after an annual review.



Signed by the Decision Maker  

Dated:          10/10/2024


Name:          Judith Badger                              

Job Title:    Strategic Director Finance & Customer Services, S151 Officer



If you require any assistance in the completion of the decision record please contact the Governance Team




Publication date: 25/10/2024

Date of decision: 25/10/2024

Accompanying Documents: