Decision details

SYMCA Gain Share Funding Snail Yard

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The decision is to accept and enter into a Grant Agreement with the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) for £350,000 of Gain Share grant funding for the Snail Yard scheme.






Date of Decision:

31st October 2024


SYMCA Gain Share Funding Snail Yard

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Simon Moss

Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration & Transport

Regeneration & Environment

Specific Delegation:

(If any)

General delegation to ADs applies: The implementation of any functions associated with any grant/funding regime, including, but not limited to, National Grants/funding, SYMCA funds, Grants & Programmes and European Funding/Grants.

Brief Description of Decision:

The decision is to accept and enter into a Grant Agreement with the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) for £350,000 of Gain Share grant funding for the Snail Yard Pocket Park scheme.

Reasons for the Decision:

Following submission of a Business Justification Case to (SYMCA) RMBC have been awarded £350,000 of Gain Share Funding and are seeking to obtain authorisation to accept monies to contribute towards the installation of the Pocket Park and delivery the desired outcomes for the scheme.

Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

The site formerly known as Primark, was empty for 4 years and in total was marketed for sale or rent for a period of 3 years with no successful tenancy, this in turn created a hot spot where the building was becoming an eyesore and attracting anti-social behaviour and receiving damage.  The building also started to suffer from break ins and was becoming a danger to those potentially entering the building.


Towns Deal ‘accelerator’ money to the value of £1m was secured in October 2020 that has previously funded the acquisition of 9-13 High Street Rotherham and its subsequent demolition and partial remediation of the site. This left a significant brownfield site on the High Street in Rotherham and planning permission has been secured for use of the front of the site as a ‘pocket park’.


The preferred option of delivering the public realm scheme, would deliver a substantial green space in the heart of Rotherham Town Centre. This larger public realm site is more likely to attract higher numbers of people to visit and enjoy the space and subsequently increase footfall numbers on High Street and across the town centre generally.


Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:


Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered

SYMCA Grant Agreement between South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council for signing.


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to accept and enter into a Grant Agreement with the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) for £350,000 of Gain Share grant funding for the Snail Yard Pocket Park scheme.


Signed by the Decision Maker          

Dated: 31st October, 2024


Name: Simon Moss                                        

Job Title: Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration & Transport



Publication date: 01/11/2024

Date of decision: 01/11/2024

Accompanying Documents: