Decision details

PCSA Award for an estimated 16 homes on two sites in East Dene

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Appoint a contractor under a pre-contract services agreement (PCSA) for the development of the Far Lane and The Lanes sites in East Dene, which form part of the Housing Delivery Programme, most recently approved at Cabinet July 2024. A site-specific report for Far Lane was also presented to Cabinet the same month.







Date of Decision:




PCSA Award for an estimated 16 homes on two sites in East Dene.


Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Ian Spicer

Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.


Details of Specific Cabinet Delegation

or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.


The decision is in-line with the Cabinet delegation most recently set out within the following 2 reports:

1.  Housing Delivery Programme Report – 2024/25, 29 July 2024:

Recommendation 1:

That Cabinet approves the newly identified Council-owned site listed in Appendix 1 being brought forward to deliver new Council homes.

2. Housing Delivery Programme Cabinet Report – Far Lane, approved by Cabinet 29 July 2024:

Recommendation 1:

that Cabinet approves development of the Far Lane site, to build up to an estimated 14 new Council homes.




To direct award to R H Fulwoods under a Pre-Contract Services Agreement (PCSA) in relation to the development of the Far Lane and The Lanes sites in East Dene, which form part of the Housing Delivery Programme.


Reasons for the Decision:

This scheme forms part of a broader package of sites being brought to market.


An outcome of this process is to recommend direct award of a Pre-Contract Services Agreement through the Efficiency North (EN: Procure) New Build framework. Utilising Efficiency North’s Framework Capability Criteria, R H Fullwoods are the highest ranked contractor with capacity to undertake the proposed works in our geographical area.


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

A broad range of procurement routes and methods, including alternative frameworks and competitive tenders were extensively considered as part of determining the procurement strategy.


Conflicts of interest declared by any Cabinet Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:

None declared.

Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered

Cabinet Report: Housing Delivery Programme Report 2024-25 Update and

Cabinet Report: Housing Delivery Programme: Far Lane Development

Printed minutes Monday 29-Jul-2024 10.00 Cabinet.pdf

The Strategic Director Approving Submission of the Report:

Ian Spicer, Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health



I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to ….


Appoint a contractor under a Pre-Contract Services Agreement (PCSA) for an estimated 16 new homes in East Dene


Signed by the Decision Maker  

Dated:          08/10/2024



Name:          Ian Spicer                                  

Job Title:    Strategic Director


Publication date: 20/12/2024

Date of decision: 28/11/2024

Accompanying Documents: