Decision details

Review of the RMBC House to House Collection Policy

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve any minor amendments to the RMBC House to House Collection Policy following a light touch review by officers.







Date of Decision:

17th December 2024


Review of the Rotherham MBC House to House Collection Policy

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Sam Barstow

Assistant Director of Community Safety and Street Scene

Specific Delegation:

(If any)

There is no specific delegation in relation to this decision, however the general delegations within section 4C6 of Appendix 9 to the Council’s Constitution (Responsibility for Functions) and the Regeneration & Environment Sub-Scheme of Delegation are applicable to this decision:


“The discharge of any executive function not otherwise reserved to the full Council, the Cabinet, a committee of the Cabinet, a member of the Cabinet, a joint committee discharging executive functions or another local authority, and any non-executive functions not otherwise reserved to the Licensing Board, or any other person or body discharging non-executive functions in accordance with executive arrangements made by the Council, in respect of the legislation listed below (including and any future modifications, enlargements or amendments).”


The House to House Collections Act 1939 is listed in this section.


Brief Description of Decision:

1.    That the findings of the officer review of the House to House Collection Policy are noted.


2.    That the House to House Collection Policy is further reviewed in December 2029.

Reasons for the Decision:

The review has confirmed that the current House to House Policy is effectively delivering its aims and objectives, and therefore further revision is currently unnecessary.  This position will be reassessed during the next formal review which is scheduled to take place in December 2029.


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

1.    The current policy could be disregarded and the Council would instead rely on the statutory text.


This option was rejected as it would limit the clarity of the process and Council expectations, including the value of collections that is returned to charities, and the times at which collections might be considered to be unreasonable.


2.    A full formal review of the policy could be carried out prior to the scheduled 2029 review.


This option was rejected as it would be unlikely to result in any amendments to the policy, as the findings of the consultation carried out in 2023 have been incorporated into the current policy and feedback from applicants, officers and members of Licensing Board is that the current policy is delivering its aims and objectives and therefore a further review is unnecessary.


Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:


Dispensations Granted:

(If any)



Reports or parts of reports considered

Officer review of Rotherham MBC House to House Collection Policy and associated appendices.


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to note the findings of the December 2024 officer review of the Rotherham MBC House to House Collection Policy and schedule a full review to take place in December 2029.



Signed by the Decision Maker



Dated: 17th December, 2024


Name:          Sam Barstow                             

Job Title:     Assistant Director – Community Safety and Street Scene.

Publication date: 03/01/2025

Date of decision: 17/12/2024

Accompanying Documents: