Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
· To consider any objections received to statutory consultation in respect of the Sheffield Road and A631 Transforming Cities Schemes; and,
· To resolve whether to make Orders in whole or part.
Date of Decision:
1 December 2023 |
Decision Maker: (Including Job Title)
Simon Moss Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport |
Specific Delegation: (If any)
Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment Sub-Scheme of Delegation - To promote, consider objections to and implement Traffic Regulation Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Brief Description of Decision:
Notwithstanding objections received to statutory advertisement of Traffic Regulation and Speed Limit Orders associated with the Sheffield Road Cycleways, and Rotherham to Maltby Bus Corridor scheme, the advertised Orders are made in whole noting the clarification in paragraph 1.8 of the report.
Reasons for the Decision:
Whilst two objections were received, amending proposals in response to these was not found to be practicable or beneficial (refer to alternative options considered). |
Details of alternative options considered and rejected:
Prohibiting cyclists from the bus lane was considered, and ruled out on the grounds of lack of benefit as well as requiring central Government approvals unlikely to be granted.
Retaining the speed limit on the A.631 through Hellaby at 40mph was considered on grounds it may better address concerns regarding air quality and degree to which the speed limit is self- enforcing. This was rejected on the basis of wider benefits of the proposal, and on the basis that objectors indicated support in principle even if expectations of the impact of the speed limit proposal were misunderstood.
Conflicts of interest declared by any Executive Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision: |
None |
Dispensations Granted: (If any)
None |
Reports or parts of reports considered |
Traffic orders associated with Sheffield Road and A631 Transforming Cities Schemes
I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision in relation to statutory advertisement of Traffic Regulation and Speed Limit Orders associated with the Sheffield Road Cycleways, and Rotherham to Maltby Bus Corridor scheme
Signed by the Decision Maker
Dated: 1st December, 2023
Name: Simon Moss
Job Title: Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration & Transport
Publication date: 06/12/2023
Date of decision: 01/12/2023
Accompanying Documents: