Decision details

Waverley Medical Centre (Olive Lane) Funding & Development Agreement

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the proposal to construct a new medical centre at Olive Lane, Waverley




Date of Decision:

6th December 2023



Waverley medical centre (Olive Lane) funding & development agreement


Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)

Judith Badger, Strategic Director Finance & Customer Services (Section 151 Officer)


Details of Specific Cabinet Delegation

or Delegation contained in the relevant Sub-Scheme of Delegation.


Minute 126 of the 13.02.23 Cabinet Meeting - Waverley Medical Centre (Olive Lane) funding and Development agreement


1.    That the Council enters into the proposed Section 2 Funding Agreement and Development Agreement and the long lease agreements in order to facilitate the development of the proposed Medical Centre.


2.    That the Section 151 Officer approves the receipt of funding from NHSE under the Section 2 Funding agreement and its subsequent distribution to Harworths

Reasons for the Decision:

To ensure that the development commences, and a new medical facility is provided to the community.


Details of alternative options considered and rejected:

That the Council does not enter into the Development Agreement, Section 2 Funding Agreement and the subsequent property lease agreements leaving the ICB/NHSE and Harworth to develop the Medical Centre without the Council. Without the Council as Partner the likely scenario is that this development would not proceed.


Conflicts of interest declared by any Cabinet Member consulted by the decision maker which relates to the decision:


Dispensations Granted:

(If any)


Reports or parts of reports considered

Cabinet - 13 February 2023 Waverley Medical Centre (Olive Lane) Funding and Development Agreement


The report of Jonathan Marriott, Head of Asset Management, Finance and Customer Services Directorate


I certify that this is a true record of the executive decision to ….


That the Council enters into the proposed Section 2 Funding Agreement and Development Agreement and the long lease agreements in order to facilitate the development of the proposed Medical Centre.


That the Section 151 Officer approves the receipt of funding from NHSE under the Section 2 Funding agreement and its subsequent distribution to Harworths.


Signed by the Decision Maker  

Dated:          6th December 2023


Name:          Judith Badger                              

Job Title:    Strategic Director Finance & Customer Services & S151 Officer


Publication date: 06/12/2023

Date of decision: 06/12/2023

Accompanying Documents: