Decision Maker: Cabinet and Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (during Government Intervention - 18 January 2016 to 23 September 2018)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To report on progress made, the identification
of next steps for the ‘Time for Action’ initiative, in
respect of environmental crime enforcement, and delegation of
powers to Doncaster MBC
Consideration was given to the report which set out the work that had been done in Rotherham to strengthen enforcement activity around environmental crime issues such as littering, dog fouling and fly-tipping following the approval by Cabinet and Commissioners of the ‘Time for Action’ approach on 9th January, 2017 and to progress discussions with Doncaster Council to develop shared service provision.
A pilot exercise in Rotherham had been underway since 26th April, 2017 to test the effectiveness of an alternative approach to deliver enhanced environmental crime and parking enforcement within the Borough.
The pilot had proven to be successful as could be evidenced by the increased level of fixed penalty fines and patrols undertaken to tackle littering and dog fouling and whilst it was difficult to measure any long term effects in relation to deterrent or reducing street cleansing costs, the short term aim of increasing enforcement against environmental crime offences could clearly be demonstrated.
Discussions with Doncaster Council have continued throughout with consideration of options, potential timescales, likely specifications and potential service level agreement items.
This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations, subject to a further recommendation asking the 10 comments by the Improving Places Select Commission inform the negotiations.
Resolved:- (1) That the exercise of the functions detailed within this report (at paragraph 8.1) be delegated to Doncaster MBC, with such delegation to commence in accordance with the shared service arrangement referred to below.
(2) That the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services and Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety, be authorised to conclude negotiations to enter into a shared service arrangement with Doncaster MBC.
(3) That the following recommendations from the Improving Places Select Commission be used to inform the negotiations:-
a) The service should be extended to include issuing of parking fines.
b) A communication plan be developed to promote the initiative borough wide.
c) Branding is clearly identified and included as part of the communications plan.
d) Members are notified when Enforcement Officers are working in their Wards.
e) Service provision is distributed equally across outlying areas and wards.
f) The extension of service provision to private sector areas be explored.
g) That contractors undertaking enforcement activity and issuing of penalties on behalf of the Council work to Rotherham MBC’s code of practice.
h) When fines are issued, that clear and consistent information is provided to the customer about the process and what happens next.
i) Details of the contract covering the shared service arrangements should be presented to Improving Places Select Commission.
j) Six monthly monitoring and evaluation reports are to be presented to Improving Places Select Commission to include details regarding social demographics.
Publication date: 11/12/2017
Date of decision: 11/12/2017
Decided at meeting: 11/12/2017 - Cabinet and Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (during Government Intervention - 18 January 2016 to 23 September 2018)
Effective from: 22/12/2017
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