Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To report on the Council’s performance
against the Corporate Plan for quarter 2 in 2018/19.
Consideration was given to the report which set out details of the Performance Report and Performance Scorecard and an analysis of the Council’s current performance against fourteen key delivery outcomes and seventy measures. This report was based on the currently available data and also included an overview of progress on key projects and activities which contributed to the delivery of the Council Plan.
At the end of the second quarter (July to September 2018) 24 measures had either met or had exceeded the target set in the Council Plan. This represented 45% of the total number of indicators where data was available or where targets have been set. This was a slight decline in performance from the first quarter when 47% of indicators hit their targets. The Priority area with the highest proportion of targets met was Priority 1 (Every child making the best start in life) where 53% of indicators were marked on target.
The direction of travel was positive for 33 (57%) of the indicators measured in this quarter. This was a significant improvement compared to the 45% figure for last quarter and suggested that, although there had been an increase in the number of targets marked as “off track”, overall performance was improving.
Cabinet Members were invited to highlight progress and performance related to their portfolio areas.
Councillor Watson, Deputy Leader, reported on the good practice in children’s social care with repeat protection plans in two years going down to an all-time low. In addition, the reduction in the number of exclusions from schools which were fixed term was reducing which highlighted the good work taking place.
Councillor Beck, Cabinet Member for Housing, reported on the number of new homes as a result of Council intervention was positive and was fulfilling the need for housing for groups of vulnerable people. The selective licensing scheme was also performing above the target with 97% of dwellings now inspected and working through to compliance. This was a positive picture.
Councillor Allen, Cabinet Member for Cleaner Greener Communities, was pleased to report on the direction of travel for the number of engagements with the Council’s culture and leisure staff and the number of visits to facilities. Around 10,000 more people attended Rotherham Show in 2018 taking the total up to 60,000 attendees.
Street cleaning and grounds maintenance had seen a slight increase in requests for service, but the actual number of complaints was incredibly low.
Councillor Lelliott, Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy, reported on economic activity and how planning remained at 100% at both major and minor applications. Rotherham was still the fastest growing economy, but there were still pressures on the town centre. Rotherham was not unique and development of Forge Island and Markets would help with this.
Councillor Hoddinott, Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety, confirmed hate crime outcomes had fallen significantly and in the right direction with an increase in the outcomes. Staff would continue to talk to Police on how positive outcomes for victims were achieved. Victim satisfaction was very high as a result of the investigations going forward.
One area for improvement and performing well was anti-social behaviour. Officers and the Police were working with repeat victims, which was going down, and anti-social behaviour perception, which was going up.
In terms of enforcement new service with Doncaster was now having a dramatic effect showing an increase with fixed penalty notices.
Councillor Roche, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, reported on the measures for Public Health which saw a reduction in smoking during pregnancy. Rotherham was one of the few authorities that tested for CO2.
Work was taking place with the new provider with overall progress being made in the reduction in the number of successful completions of drug treatment.
Councillor Alam, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Finance, reported on the areas performing well relating to non-domestic business rate collections and council tax collections. 85% of actions from the Equalities Peer Review had also been implemented. Areas for improvement included the closing of complaints within timescale and number of days lost to sickness, which was hovering just above the target. Work was progressing to address these areas of concern and how employees could be assisted back to work.
Resolved:- (1) That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to performance be noted.
(2) That consideration be given to measures which have not progressed in accordance with the target set and the actions required to improve performance, including future performance clinics.
(3) That the performance reporting timetable for 2018-2019 be noted.
Report author: Simon Dennis, Jackie Mould
Publication date: 08/02/2019
Date of decision: 17/12/2018
Decided at meeting: 17/12/2018 - Cabinet
Effective from: 01/01/2019
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