Issue - meetings

ADF Steering Groups Review Update

Meeting: 03/04/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 63)

ADF Steering Groups Review Update

- report of Kevin Rice, HMR Manager

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 54 of 20th February, 2006, the HMR Manager submitted a progress report on work taking place on the review of ADF steering groups.


Consultation had taken place with ADF Chairs with a further meeting to be held shortly as well as a meeting with TSY and dialogue with partners in terms of areas of accountability, membership, scope and constitution of ADF steering groups, links to Rotherham Partnership and alignment to TSY.  It had been felt very strongly that there was a need for a Code of Conduct and a Communication Plan.


Set out in the report were future actions with target dates.


The following points were raised:-


-              When do we see ourselves in a position to endorse this and put into practice?

            (It was hoped that a firm proposal would be submitted to the next meeting and by June/July steering groups adopting the procedures)

-              The need for clear definition on the role of steering group members and possible conflict of interests i.e. 2010 Board members

            (A number of steering group memberships had to clarify their role)


Agreed:-  That a further report be submitted to the next meeting.