Issue - meetings

ADF Steering Group Review

Meeting: 10/07/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 80)

ADF Steering Groups Structure

- report by Kevin Rice, HMR Manager, Wath and Swinton


In accordance with Minute No. 72, Kevin Rice, HMR Project Manager, submitted a further report on the future strategic structure and role of the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Steering Groups. 


The proposed model was as follows:-


-              Co-ordinating ADF Steering Group – Consist of tier 1 members of the Steering Groups in the next bullet point.


-              Steering Groups – 2 tiers of membership.  Will be instrumental in the preparation and monitoring of the programme of activity within the ADF area.  Will be Chaired by a member from tier 1 and reflect the 5 Rotherham Strategic themes.


-              HMR Pathfinder Joint Cabinet Meetings – meet on a quarterly basis and to other Council meetings and bodies as required.


-              Constitutionally – Steering Groups will be aligned to the Council as Steering Groups.  Members will be briefed as to their roles and responsibilities as members of a Council decision making forum.


Discussion ensued on the proposed model which built on the current structures and recognised the Rotherham Strategic Partnership and Area Assemblies.  The following points were raised:-


-              Should be more streamlined

-              Difference of opinion on the role of small groups - based on the 5 themes and small groups based on projects?

-              The relationship with Area Assemblies was essential as they were the major consultation vehicle within the Council


Agreed:-  That a further report be submitted to the next meeting that includes a relationship diagram of the various groups.