Issue - meetings

Any Other Business

Meeting: 22/01/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 128)

Any Other Business


Councillor Barron reported on a recent conference he had attended at York entitled “Affordable: Are we doing enough”.

Meeting: 13/11/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 112)

Any Other Business


Agreed:-  (1)  That a report be submitted to the next meeting on joint venture companies.


(2)  That a briefing note be supplied to Councillor Lakin on:-


Civil Defence site at Dalton

Decent Homes

Void Properties in East Herringthorpe

Meeting: 25/09/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 100)

Any Other Business


Councillor Lakin has raised the question about void properties being held up pending the outcome of the ADF masterplans.


Paul Walsh, Pathfinder Programme Manager, stated that 2010 had been directed to continue to let void properties.  On Decent Homes properties, where there were sustainability issues, 2010 had been requested to reprogramme them until the masterplans came forward and it was a decision for them as to whether the properties were economically viable to bring back into the letting system.


There were a number of voids being returned which required significant investment.  2010 would like to see Decent Homes investment going into them before they were let.  Housing Market Renewal had suggested they bring the properties up to a good letting standard until the masterplan was received and then be able to give a strategic steer on what investment should go into the properties.  That had been communication to the local Neighbourhood Manager and 2010’s Chief Executive.

Meeting: 10/07/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 87)

Any Other Business


There was no other business.

Meeting: 03/04/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 67)

Any Other Business

(as requested by Councillor Lakin):-


Rehousing Options Update

Non-Traditional Housing and HMR Investment Plans

Decent Homes/HMR Programme Alignment


Rehousing Options Update

Councillor Lakin queried what rehousing options would be offered and delivered timewise?

The Regeneration Manager stated that relocation was a key issue for Housing Market Renewal to achieve what it wanted to achieve.  The masterplanning had identified around 5,000 properties which might be subject to demolition.


Work had taken place on developing proposals which would allow successful relocation and more opportunities which, not only included Housing Association properties, but equity loans, homesteading, and home to home.  Reports were to be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods on each of the proposals together with a comprehensive relocation policy.   Discussions had also taken place with 2010.


Two pieces of research were being conducted:-  Firstly around the persons that had been subject to relocation and their experience and secondly how options could be improved for people to stay in their own homes.


Work was also taking place across the 4 local authorities on the issue of compensation to ensure comparable rates were paid particularly in the gateway areas.


It was acknowledged that the rehousing process needed to be speeded up between the decision to demolish and the actual act.  Once a decision had been made to demolish a property, vast sums of money would not be spent on it but it should be kept to a minimum standard.


Non-Traditional Housing and HMR Investment Plans

Councillor Lakin queried how Market Renewal tied in with 2010’s aspirations for non-traditional housing stock?

The Cabinet Member stated that, although there was a Council Minute stating the Council would “disinvest” in non-traditional housing, they would be submitted to the Cabinet Member for approval taking into account the respective Ward Members’ comments.  In future, the Chairs of ADFs could be invited to comment on any proposals in their ADF area.


Decent Homes

Councillor Lakin stated that during the recent poor Decent Home consultation, there had been no detail as to how the timetable of works had been drawn up, how it tied into the Sheltered Housing Review or what formula had been used for those properties to be improved first and other last.  It was not known how Market Renewal would work and how it would tie in with 2010 who was now managing Council properties

The Cabinet Member stated that a meeting had taken place recently with regard to alignment with the Housing Market Renewal Programme and non-traditional properties.  It had been anticipated that the draft Decent Homes Programme would be accompanied by a narrative explaining the rationale for the way it had been put together. 


Agreed:-   (1)  That a workshop be held with the 2010’s Decent Homes Team and ADF Chairs .


Agreed:-  (2)  That the Head of Asset Management be requested to investigate the complex issue of leaseholders in the Whinney Hill area of Thrybergh.