Issue - meetings

Bellows Road Shopping Complex

Meeting: 13/11/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 106)

Bellows Road Shopping Complex

- report of Andy Pashley, ADF Manager, Rawmarsh and Parkgate


Andy Pashley, ADF Manager Rawmarsh and Parkgate, presented a report, together with a powerpoint presentation, on the above and recommendations from the initial project feasibility and implementation plan for the Bellows Road shopping complex commissioned by the Housing Market Renewal Team.


The proposals were currently subject to an internal consultation exercise with views being obtained on the proposals from across Programme Areas.  The outcome of the exercise would be detailed in a consultation report.


Discussion ensued on the project.  The following comments were noted:-


-                    Cognisance not being taken of the local community/Members comments

-                    Unrealistic way forward proposed by the consultants

-                    The CPO process should have been started sometime ago

-                    The project was a significant priority for the Programme, all action plan points were being worked through part of which was CPO procedures

-                    Project Management Team to hold fortnightly meetings


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the Regeneration and Asset Management Board be informed that this Group supports the commencement of formal negotiations with property owners at the Bellows Road shopping complex.


(3)  That the need for the project to receive a high level of commitment within the Housing Market Renewal and Corporate Capital Programme be recognised and supported.