Issue - meetings

Brampton Neighbourhood Masterplan Update

Meeting: 13/11/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 108)

Brampton Neighbourhood Masterplan Update

 - report of Barry Deakin, ADF Manager, Wath and Swinton


Barry Deakin, HMR Manager Wath and Swinton, presented a report setting out the key elements of the draft Brampton masterplan and identified key issues and matters for consideration.


The overall approach and progress on the emerging masterplan had been reported to the Project Management Sub-Group and the Wentworth North ADF Steering Group on a monthly basis.  A key player in the development of housing in Brampton would be the partnership agreement with the Council and Northern Counties Housing Association who would be able to draw down further capital to develop sites.


The following issues had emerged from the draft working masterplan:-


Highway proposals – funding alignment to support interventions for Homezones and other traffic calming measures

Creation of green space funding and future maintenance

Decent Homes

Local Development Planning Framework

Gateway improvements

Acquisition of sites


Agreed:-  That the report be noted and the process for wider community consultation activities agreed.