Issue - meetings

Brampton Masterplan

Meeting: 22/01/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 119)

Brampton Masterplan

- update by Barry Deakin, ADF Manager, Wath and Swinton


Barry Deakin, ADF Manager, Wath and Swinton, reported that a community event had taken place in November, 2006.  A powerpoint presentation was given illustrating the points raised:-


-              Connecting to the DearneValley

-              Sustainable living

-              Village focus

-              3 village centre ideas

-              Community housing sites

-              Site layouts, quality of housing

-              Gateways and street treatments

-              Preferred choice Option 3 – make use of former public space, use of fire station and back of Miners Welfare

-              New sports hall could be located on site of car lot

-              Improved sport pitches

-              Plenty of parking for village centre

-              Desire to see change of investment

-              Feeling that community spirit had been lost

-              Pedestrian links to CortonwoodRetail Park

-              Investment and refurbishment of existing community facilities

-              Facilities for teenagers

-              Distinction and identity of Brampton

-              Traffic calming

-              Limited new affordable housing


The consultation was currently being evaluated and would be feedback to the sub-group.  The final masterplans would be received from the consultants on 5th February, 2007, presented to the Cabinet Member in March and feedback to the community in April.


Agreed:-  That the presentation be noted.