Issue - meetings

Canklow Stock Condition Survey and Options

Meeting: 22/01/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 122)

Canklow Stock Condition Survey and Options

- report by Uzma Sattar, HMR Manager, Rotherham West

Additional documents:


UzmaSattar, HMR Manager Rotherham West, submitted a summary of the key findings of the Stock Condition Survey undertaken in Canklow and an overview of the emerging options developed for the area.  The report also detailed the next steps identified and sought approval to implement further community consultation and strategic property acquisitions in the study area.


The consultants had undertaken the stock condition survey and options appraisal for 107 private sector properties.  The survey was part of an ongoing process of transformational change to ensure that the housing market in Canklow was rebalanced, that the area benefited from the introduction of private sector options and the ability to deliver sustainable communities.


The costs to improve and maintain the properties over the next 30 years had been assessed as £3,444,174.  Immediate costs to bring properties up to the fitness standard and decency standard would be £186,299 and £186,299 respectively.  To undertake all other immediate works required would cost £155,747.  The survey indicated that a significantly higher proportion failed the fitness standard and more than 50% were non-decent.    The main reasons for failing the standard were lack of effective drainage, dampness, disrepair, an inadequately located WC or structural problems.


Discussion ensued on the benefits of the Authority acquiring the properties.


Jeff Goode advised that it was clear in discussions with the Government that CSR would be really tight.  This report, and from reports earlier in the agenda, discussed developing a significant funding requirement over a number of years and a number of demolitions and acquisitions starting to come together.  There was a need to compile them all and to determine priorities to aid the Authority when making decisions.  There was only funding up to 2008; it was then dependent on masterplans and priorities.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That local residents be consulted on the options suggested by the consultants.


(3)  That a report be submitted to the next meeting identifying the properties, what levels of investment required to bring them up to fitness standard.