Issue - meetings

TSY Board

Meeting: 01/08/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 12)

TSY Board

- verbal update on any Board decisions


There were no decisions to report.

Meeting: 19/03/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 137)

TSY Board

- verbal update on any Board decisions


Tom Bell, HMR Team Leader, reported the following:-


TSY and Syharp had now formally amalgamated


The Sustainable Housing Marketing Strategy was under development for 2008/11.  Rotherham had submitted an investment proposal of £76M


Agreed:-  That the content of the investment plan be considered at the next meeting in light of the above.

Meeting: 22/01/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 127)

TSY Board

- verbal update on any Board decisions


Jeff Goode reported the following:-


Integration of TSY and Syharp – governance arrangements now drawn up


Sustainable Housing Marketing Strategy – A document had now been received setting out the parameters/guidance to be worked within to conclude the next Strategy.  Proposals for 2008/11 would have to fit into the document.


Work taking place towards submitting a bid to the Regional Housing Board and Sustainable Housing Market Strategy towards the end of April, 2007.  Cannot stress too strongly the priorities of it.


Multi-Area Agreements – The Board had considered a paper suggesting that HMR, Single Pot and Decent Homes be included within the Multi-Area Agreement.  However, the Board had not agreed and wanted to proceed with just HMR.  Discussions were taking place with a number of organisations, in particular with the Department of Communities and Local Government, and looking to take a draft Agreement to a future Leaders’ meeting and the next Board meeting.


Regional Investment Allocations – South Yorkshire had obtained £144M for 2008/11.


Performance monitoring – Representatives of the National Audit Commission would be visiting TSY the following week.