Issue - meetings

Eastwood Neighbourhood Masterplan

Meeting: 01/08/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 6)

Eastwood Neighbourhood Masterplan

- presentation by Kalpana Desai, HMR Manager


Kalpana Desai, HMR Manager, gave a powerpoint presentation on the vision for Eastwood as presented to the ADF Steering Group:-


Fitzwilliam Road

Issues and Challenges

-              Balancing strategic and local needs

-              Enabling neighbourhood centre to flourish

-              Safe and attractive pedestrian environment

-              Improving air quality

-              Improving quality of environment

-              Redefining corridor and gateways whilst protecting character



-              An attractive vibrant spine through Eastwood that creates a high quality of environment for communities to use and interact

-              A well defined corridor with a mix of uses and activities including a strong and accessible neighbourhood centre

-              A strategic road corridor that provides ease of movement and access to/from and through Eastwood


Eastwood Middle

Issues and Challenges

-              Meeting current and future housing needs

-              Diversifying size and type of housing

-              Diversifying tenure

-              Improving quality of environment

-              Improving access to local amenities and open space

-              Tackling ASB and crime



-              An improved quality of environment including boundaries, gardens and parking

-              A diversified family housing area with a mix of house types and tenure

-              Easy access to range of high quality local shops and facilities, open space and public transport

-              A cohesive and well managed community that it not blighted by issues of poor tenants and anti-social behaviour



Issues and Challenges

-              Meeting specific community housing needs

-              Altering house type and size

-              Improving internal condition of homes

-              Improving the quality of environment

-              Overcoming barriers to movement

-              Mitigating impact of local industry

-              Improving use of open spaces

-              Managing tenants and landlords

-              Tackling ASB and crime



-        Support recent investment in the area

-        An improved quality of environment including traffic, parking and space

-        An area that retains its traditional character but also provides a larger choice of housing

-        A cohesive and well managed community that is not blighted by issues of poor tenants and anti-social behaviour



-              Potentially attractive and sustainable area

-              Number of challenges to overcome

-              Needs strong delivery strategy and partner support

-              Masterplan presents a series of clearly defined projects to regenerate the area – robust, deliverable and effective


Agreed:-  That the presentation be noted.