Issue - meetings

Private Sector Partnering

Meeting: 30/03/2009 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 44)

Private Sector Partnering

- report of Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 7 of the meeting held on 1st September, 2008, the Neighbourhood Investment Manager reported that work had taken place on further exploring and assessing the options available to establish a public/private sector partnership framework. 


John Sawyer, of Eye Develop Ltd., who had been appointed to provide advice and guidance, gave the following powerpoint presentation on options for a public/private partnership development vehicle. A recommended model, if adopted, could be used initially to implement demolition and neighbourhood regeneration in Canklow and Dalton and East Herringthorpe:-



-              Homes and Communities Agency

         New Capital funding opportunities particularly from April 2011

         Seeking clear evidence of ability to deliver

         Revenue uncertainty


-              “Credit Crunch”

         Development largely halted (new affordable housing) for 12-24 months

         Developers likely to be increasingly selective when the market recovers


-              Council Priorities

         Whole neighbourhood investment

         Council housing

         Joint Service Centres



-              Significant assessed development opportunity required to attract developers


-              Public sector will need to make significant investment into projects and share risks – getting sites “oven ready”


-              New skills needed


-              New and more secure means of securing revenue funding need to be found


Options Assessment

-              A series of options assessed against several criteria

         Ability to secure delivery of Council objectives

         Ability to access HCA investments

         Appeal to developers

         Implications for Council Capital and Revenue funding position


-              All options require some form of “ringfencing” in order to unlock TYS/HCA investment.  However, this is on the basis of new Capital funding


-              Local Regeneration Partnership identified as preferred option


Preferred Option

-              New local entity


-              Holds option over Council land (the land remains in Council ownership until development takes place)


-              Establish in shadow form by April, 2010 and full operational by April, 2011.  Target of delivering 2,500+ new homes and Joint Service Centres


-              Initially operating in Canklow and Dalton and East Herringthorpe.  The opportunity to become Borough-wide once performance proven.  Could include potential to deliver PFI       


Next Steps

-              Cabinet endorsement on emerging proposals


-              Consult with TSY and HCA


-              Further finance, accounting and legal investments


-              Develop business plan for partnership

         Identify potential sites

         Identify Capital investment requirements

         Assess staffing requirements

         Identify potential Revenue support available


-              Investigate best practice


Discussion ensued with the following issues highlighted:-


o             Member involvement essential

o             Such a public/private vehicle would be able to implement Housing PFI activity

o             The HCA were looking for authorities that were ready to deliver and having such a vehicle would be beneficial

o             TSY would support the proposal


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.