Issue - meetings

Bellows Road Update

Meeting: 14/09/2009 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 15)

Bellows Road Update

- Patrick Middleton/Melvyn Clayton to report


The Project Officer and Development Surveyor presented a joint report detailing progress achieved to secure control of part of the development site.


Terms had now been agreed for the acquisition of the main shopping centre.  The acquisition would be funded by the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Programme 2009/11 budget.


The report set out financial details of the total projected cost profile and Development Agreement together with the risks and uncertainties.


Agreed:-  (a)  That the report be noted.


(b)  That the acquisition of the property on the agreed terms submitted in the report be supported.


(c)  That the report be referred to the Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods and the Cabinet for approval to complete the transaction.

Meeting: 19/01/2009 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 30)

Bellows Road Update

- Andy Pashley/Patrick Middleton to report


The Project Officer and Programme Co-ordinator presented a joint report detailing progress to date in respect of the redevelopment of the above-mentioned shopping centre.


The report set out details of recent correspondence with the owner offering to refer the matter to the Lands Tribunal for binding arbitration.  The owner’s response to the proposition was awaited.


The Council had done all it could to attempt to negotiate the acquisition of the site and would continue to do so.  However, the only realistic way to assemble the site to ensure the comprehensive redevelopment of the area, was to initiate the Compulsory Purchase process. 


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.