Issue - meetings

HCA Single Conversation

Meeting: 14/06/2010 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 5)

Rotherham Investment Plan 2011-14


It had been hoped to discuss with all ADF Chairs at the meeting all the individual parts if the Plan and bring together as 1.  However, in light of the latest funding announcements by the new Coalition Government, the new Programme for Government our Plan was being revised so itcould not happen at the present time.


Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager, gave a brief summary of issues that required further discussion at the special meeting:-


-        The first Single Conversation workshop had been held setting out an evidence base line which lead to what are our priorities for the way forward

-        An officer from the HCA currently spends 1 afternoon a week with the Team helping with the Single Conversation

-        The process was not as advanced as anticipated due to the change in Government and new ideas were being developed

-        There was some uncertainty of the HCA’s future role

-        Completion of projects already started remained a key priority and consideration given to how to take projects forward with less money

-        The role of the private sector

-        Greener Homes was on the agenda along with Affordable Homes and more new homes

-        The Government was to scrap Regional Spatial Strategy targets – what did that mean for Rotherham?

-        Continued support for reducing the number of Empty Homes

-        Localism and A Big Society where Rotherham people are more involved

-        A review of team structures to deliver a new programme


Agreed:-  That the report be noted and be discussed further at the special meeting..

Meeting: 31/03/2010 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 38)

HMRP Progress and the Year Ahead


As referred to the previous Minute, a presentation was given to a recent TSY Board on the Rotherham Programme 2010/11 as follows:-


-        Key Messages

o             Exceeded expectations in 2009/10

o             Expenditure in 2009/10 was £16M, in 2010/11 only £7M available

o             Reducing staff budget and uncertainty over funding delivery team going forward

o             Capacity to deliver many more schemes

o             Major residential sites assembled and in Council control


-        2009/10

o             An Overview

o             New Build/Conversion

o             Land Assembly

o             Private Sector Support

o             Innovation

o             Overview of Achievements and Challenges


-        2010/11 Investment Programme

o             What Next

o             Finish what we started

o             Stimulate the housing market

o             Support local employment

o             Continue to innovate

o             Funding requirement

o             Spatial priority areas

o             A programme to achieve positive outcomes for local people and places


-        2011/14 Investment Programme


Agreed:-  That the presentation be noted.

Meeting: 14/12/2009 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 29)

HCA Single Conversation Update

- powerpoint presentation by Tom Bell


Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager, gave a further update on the above highlighting:-


-        A series of business meetings would commence in the New Year – at the end of the 6 month process there would hopefully be agreement on a Local Investment Plan for Rotherham

-        Sheffield, Hull and Leeds had already started the process

-        A meeting with the Homes and Communities Agency in January to start learning the lessons

-        The Plan would not have any legal standing at the end of the 6 months as there would not be agreement at national level on the Comprehensive Spending Review for 2011/12 until some time later

-        Very likely will have less resources that currently had

-        Starting to look at scenarios of having less resources within EDS, Neighbourhoods Renewal Programme and Neighbourhood Investment

-        Would look to prioritise projects, complete what was already started with the resources available and develop a series of themes and strategies for prioritising investments as they went forward which would be brought together in a refreshed Housing Strategy

-        A series of workshops to be held with regard to the draft Housing Strategy and rationale behind the vision and themes

-        There would be a consultation period involving the voluntary and community sector

-        Hope to have sign off of Strategy and launch in June followed by complete Single Conversation Local Investment Plan with Homes and Communities Agency


All the above impacted on the work of the ADF Steering Groups.  A series of documents needed to be considered by the Groups to articulate the overall Strategy for Rotherham.


It was hoped to make a business case at a local level in the communities where investment was required in the future.  There would be a Local Investment Plan at local level that would feed into Rotherham’s Local Investment Plan.


It was proposed that officers would attend ADF Steering Groups meetings and set out what it was believed to be emerging through the Groups.  They then needed to discuss various scenarios of budget cuts as to what their priorities would be.  There had to be a clear picture of what the Groups would be prepared to lose if the funding was not available.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.

Meeting: 14/09/2009 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 19)

HCA Single Conversation/Future Programme Development Update

- verbal update/presentation by Tom Bell


Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager gave a powerpoint presentation in relation to the HCA Single Conversation/Future Programme Development Update.


The presentation drew specific attention to:-


  • 2009/11 – Overview Achievements and Challenges
  • 2011/14 – Homes and Communities Agency
  • Single Conversion – New Era
  • Uncertainties for future funding
  • Homes and Communities Agency – Current Regional Priorities
  • Rotherham’s Strategic Housing Priorities 2009+
  • How could 2011-2014 Programme look?
  • Comparison Chart
  • Current project requiring priority 2011-2014
  • Growth and Quality New Build 2011-2014
  • Land available to support growth
  • 2011/14 Continuation of ADF regeneration £12m
  • 2011/14 Other requirements £0.8m


A discussion ensued and the following issues were raised:-


  • There were 36 new build properties already agreed – were there any further bids for the second round?  It was confirmed that bids needed to be submitted by 20th October 2009.  There were a number of sites which could be utilised, which would be considered when making the bid.
  • There was to be a change in national administration therefore it was essential that when activities were being batched up they were done in line with the new procedures.