Issue - meetings

Sheltered Level Access Improvements 2010/11

Meeting: 19/04/2010 - The Former Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods (Item 169)

Sheltered Level Access Improvements 2010/11

(Exempt under Paragraph 3 of the Act - information relating to the financial/business affairs of any person (including the Council))


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted proposals for the spending of the 2010/11 Regional Housing Board allocation for sheltered housing modifications.


It was proposed that the 2010/11 RHB allocation of £480,000 be committed to create level access to 127 properties at the following sheltered schemes:-


Francis Howlett (Whiston)

Vale Road (Thrybergh)

Elizabeth Parkin (Ravenfield)


Resolved:-  That the 2010/11 budget spend proposal be approved.