Issue - meetings

Nicotine Replacement Therapy voucher scheme.

Meeting: 09/07/2012 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 13)

Nicotine Replacement Therapy voucher scheme.

Additional documents:


Alison Iliff, Public Health Specialist, NHS Rotherham, presented a report that was to be considered by the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cluster at its meeting on 16th July, 2012, proposing the ongoing provision of the Nicotine Replacement Therapy voucher scheme in Stop Smoking Support in Rotherham.


The current voucher scheme provided 12 weeks’ free Nicotine Replacement Therapy to those quitting with the Stop Smoking Service, pharmacies or dentists.  The overall Strategy for Tobacco Control and the method/scale of provision of Stop Smoking Services was under review across South Yorkshire in partnership with SCHARR.


Options providing different potential savings on the current spend were to be considered by the Cluster.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report and options available to the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cluster be noted.


(2)  That it be noted that a report was to be submitted to a future meeting on the Tobacco Control Strategy.


(3)  That the Health Select Commission be notified of the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cluster’s decision.