Issue - meetings

Budget 2013/14

Meeting: 10/01/2013 - The Former Self Regulation Select Commission (Item 52)

Budget 2013/14 - Update


Councillor Akhtar, Deputy Leader, opened the presentation with an overall summary of the budget as at 2nd January, 2013 which included:-


-        Initial funding gap

-        Directorate proposed savings

-        Provisional Settlement

-        Medium Term Financial Strategy


The Select Commission then received presentations from the Strategic Directors/Directors representing Children and Young People’s Services, Neighbourhoods and Adult Services, Environment and Development Services, Resources and Health and Wellbeing.


Discussion ensued on the presentations with the following issues raised:-


-        Potential impact of proposals on Services and Service users and mitigation

-        Smarter working methods including greater working practices/sharing of resources with outside agencies/partners

-        What effect had the stringent budget cuts of the last 3 years had on Services?

-        What processes had Directorates gone through to arrive at the proposed savings?

-        Demographic pressures including increasing ageing population

-        Consideration to alternative Service delivery

-        Disadvantaged Communities agenda

-        Possible impact of the Welfare Reform

-        Impact on reserves


The Chairman thanked the Cabinet Members and officers for their attendance at the meeting.


Resolved:-  That the proposed budget savings for 2013/14 be noted.