Issue - meetings

Neighbourhoods and Adult Services - Disability Consultation Update

Meeting: 07/03/2013 - Health Select Commission (Item 68)

Transport and Learning Disability Day Service Catering Consultation

Additional documents:


The Service Manager, Adult Community Services, submitted for information the final proposals for Transport and Catering arrangements for the Learning Disability Day Care Service based on the recent consultation with customers and carers.


Transport Provision

Extensive work had been undertaken with a number of officers who were aware of customers and carers’ needs to review the change to current transport provision.


Catering Provision

At present the current in-house Day Service catering arrangements, delivered on site, were underutilised by customers and therefore not cost effective.  Recent consultation had shown that customers were accepting of the choice of taking their own packed lunch or purchasing a meal from the café.


Discussion ensued on the proposals with the following points highlighted:-


-          Approximately 30% of the clients were in receipt of the higher level Mobility Allowance


-          Concerns raised at the consultations with regard to those who had learning difficulties and not able to feed themselves or have the ability to choose what they wanted to eat.  There were a significant number with complex needs that needed support with feeding and that would not stop


-          Some would need a bus buddy – consideration was to be given to this in the consultation


-          Running alongside these proposals was a tendering exercise across Adult and Children Services with private providers.  Work had been undertaken with Procurement who were conducting the tendering process and having discussions with private providers so they were well aware of the proposals


-          £39.10 quoted in question 10 of the consultation questionnaire was the unit cost.  It was a flat rate charge which was less than the lowest DLA rate.  Clients were not financially assessed.  If it was raised with the Service it would be looked at but not assessed as part of their care package cost


-          Routes were being taken into consideration to ensure the length of time a client could possibly be on the transport was kept to a minimum


-          There would still be cafes on site available for customers who wished to purchase snack items – it was the old dining rooms that were being closed – or there was the option of making their own meal


-          People had the choice whether to attend a Day Centre.  Some were taking the choice of taking their Direct Payment instead.  Younger people found that Day Centres did not meet their needs.  If there was a reduction in the number of people using day centres it would be seen by a rise in the number of Direct Payments.  Then there would be a need to change the way in services were provided


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.