Issue - meetings

Streetscene Enhancements

Meeting: 19/12/2005 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 35)

Street Scene Enhancements

- report by David Phillips, Principal Engineer, Highways, Streetpride

Additional documents:


David Phillips, Principal Engineer (Highways), Streetpride, submitted a report on the street scene enhancements approved to design and implementation in 2005/06 as part of the HMR Pathfinder initiatives.


The schemes covered a wide scope of works from verge hardening for off street car parking and footway surfacing through to open space improvements and grass verge protection.  Scheme values ranged from around £1,000 up to £270,000.  Design and works supervision would be delivered by the 3 groups within the Streetpride Service – Schemes and Partnerships (Highways and Structures), Community Delivery (Landscapes and Area Teams) and Network Management (Major Maintenance and Street Lighting).  Work would be delivered by the in house delivery teams associated with each group and Streetpride’s contractor partner, Ringway.


The Programme was on target at present.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.