Issue - meetings

Project Activity

Meeting: 19/12/2005 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 38)

Project Activity


Joanne Bloy, Implementation Team Leader, gave a verbal update on the current position with regard to the Westgate Demonstrator project.


It was one of the key regeneration schemes in the town centre and central to both delivering the Pathfinder and Rotherham Renaissance.  The funding application to TSY in June was successful towards the initial package of enabling work.  The approved £1M spend by 31st March,2006, was on schedule to be spent.


The preferred developer had been selected and had now given an indication of their commitment to the scheme and their programme of works/timescales which was at variance to what was originally planned.  This could cause some funding difficulties due to the timescale and funding rounds not coinciding.


Discussion ensued on the report.  It was noted that it was not within this group’s remit to make any decision as to the way forward but it would be a matter for the Regeneration and Asset Board and/or Cabinet.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted and an update be submitted to the January meeting.