Issue - meetings

The Rotherham Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal, Management Plan and Shopfront Design Guide

Meeting: 10/07/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 82)

The Rotherham Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal, Management Plan and Shopfront Design Guide

- report by Charles Hammersley, Project Officer, RIDO

Additional documents:


Charles Hammersley, Project Officer, RIDO, presented, for information, the Shopfront Design Guide and the Rotherham Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan which had been approved for adoption as Interim Planning Statements by the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Development Services on 19th June, 2006.


The 2 documents formed part of a Stage 2 bid currently being prepared to the Heritage Lottery Fund for Townscape Heritage Initiative funding.  The scheme would promote the social and economic regeneration of the town centre through the restoration of key historic buildings and enhancement of certain public realm areas.  It would focus around All Saints Minster, High Street, Westgate and the bottom end of Wellgate.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.