Issue - meetings

Planning Issues for ADF Projects 2006-08

Meeting: 13/11/2006 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 110)

Planning Issues for ADF Projects 2006-08

- report of Gordon Smith, Specialist Support Manager, HMR Team


Gordon Smith, Specialist Support Manager, HMR Team, submitted a report identifying the risks associated with various HMR projects in terms of fitting with Planning Policy.


Attached at Appendix 1 was a schedule of intended and possible ADF developments on sites with a Greenfield element.  There was also the potential impact of other changes to the planning system notably the advent of sustainability appraisal and the rise in the importance of the draft Planning Policy Statement 3 as a material consideration in planning decisions.


To date, ADF projects had been subject to planning decisions made under the outgoing Unitary Development Plan scheme.  Some initial ideas had been rejected after it became clear that they would be considered to be Greenfield development in terms of Planning Policy Guidance Note 3.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the planning issues associated with Area Development Framework projects, with particular reference to the presumption against granting planning permission for residential development on Greenfield land or “Greenfield Moratorium”, PPG3 and Draft PPS3, Sustainability Appraisal and the Statement of Community Involvement be noted.


(2)  That the LDF officers be invited to the next meeting to discuss the synchronisation of ADF and HMR.