Issue - meetings

Bellows Road

Meeting: 22/01/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 117)

Bellows Road

- update by Andy Pashley, ADF Manager, Rawmarsh and Parkgate


Andy Pashley, ADF Manager, Rawmarsh and Parkgate, gave a powerpoint presentation on Bellows Road.  The following points were highlighted:-


-              Following the meeting on 13th November, 2006, a report was prepared for the Regeneration and Asset Board and CMT.  A 4th recommendation had been added “that an overarching review to be conducted of Council owned land in the area, to determine the viability of developing shopping facilities to replace Bellows Road Shopping Centre”. 

-              Correspondence had been sent to the owners with a deadline of 19th January.  No reply had been received to date.

-              The Bellows Road Project Group had held its first meeting.

-              Liaison with District Valuer with regard to acquisition costs and Capital Programme bid in preparation.

-              Desktop analysis undertaken of the land surrounding the centre with the favoured option being the Bellow Road site.

-              Time line for acquisition to be tabled to next Steering Group meeting to aid understanding of the key tasks required for the Compulsory Purchase Order process.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the presentation be noted.


(2)  That the time line for the acquisition of the site be submitted to the next meeting.