Issue - meetings

2007/2008 Local Transport Plan Capital Expenditure Settlement. (report attached)

Meeting: 02/03/2007 - The Former Regeneration Scrutiny Panel (Item 152)

152 2007/2008 Local Transport Plan Capital Expenditure Settlement pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Dave James, Local Transport Plan Delivery Manager, Planning and Transportation Service, to report.

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 203 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Development Services held on 1st February, 2007, consideration was given to a report, presented by the LTP Delivery Manager, which detailed how the second South Yorkshire LTP (2006-2011) had been rated as “Fair” and the Delivery Report on the First South Yorkshire LTP (2001-2006) had been rated as “Satisfactory to Good” by the Department for Transport. The Department for Transport have also informed the Council of the Integrated Transport and Maintenance settlements for 2007/08. A separate letter had also been received, informing South Yorkshire of the additional road safety element, as a consequence of changed funding arrangements for Safety Camera Partnerships.


Specific reference was made to the Local Transport 2007/08 Capital Funding Allocations as detailed in the report.


Further information was sought on the funding for the South Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnerships, the revenue arising from the fines, capital for new camera installations and public access to information.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the 2007/2008 Local Transport Plan Capital Expenditure Settlements and Capital Programme be noted.


(2)  That further information be provided on the South Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership and their funding.

Meeting: 01/02/2007 - The Former Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Development Services to May 2007 (Item 203)

203 2007/2008 Local Transport Plan Capital Expenditure Settlement pdf icon PDF 96 KB

LTP Delivery Manager to report.

-           to report the results of the DfT assessment of the 2nd South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan and details of the LTP Capital Programme Settlement        for 2007/2008.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Local Transport Plan Delivery Manager, relating to the following:-


(i)                   1st South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan (2001-2006) – Delivery Report – which had been rated as “Satisfactory to Good” by the Department for Transport


(ii)                 2nd South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan (2006-2011) – which had been rated “Fair”.


(iii)                Letter from the DfT setting out settlements for 2007-2008 for Integrated Transport, and Maintenance, together with an extra allowance (related to former Objective 1 designation).  Maintenance allocations, per District, for Highways, Structures and Street Lighting were detailed in the report.


(iv)                Additional letter informing South Yorkshire of the additional road safety element, as a consequence of changed funding arrangements for Safety Camera Partnerships.


The Director of Planning and Transportation Service explained how the ratings had been awarded, together with information about the areas on which the Council had been judged as being weak e.g. congestion and bus patronage.  Reference was also made to the over-riding regeneration aspirations of South Yorkshire and to the need to set realistic and measurable targets.


It was pointed out that 2007/2008 was the first programme year during which Safety Camera funding was integrated into the LTP system, and this was to be managed by Sheffield City Council.  


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Local Transport Capital Expenditure Settlements for 2007/08 be noted.


(2) That the report be referred to the Cabinet and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for information.


(3) That a further report on the details of the 2007/08 Local Transport Capital Programme be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Development Services.