Issue - meetings

Canklow Stock Condition Survey and Options Appraisal

Meeting: 01/08/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 11)

Canklow Option Appraisal Update

- report by Uzma Sattar, HMR Manager, Rotherham West


Further to Minute No. 135 of 19th March, 2007, Uzma Sattar, HMR Manager, Rotherham West, submitted a report on the consultation that had taken place by consultants and the HMR Team.


The consultation undertaken by the consultants had highlighted conflicting views/opinions amongst the residents split between satisfaction with their homes and support for demolition and provision of new homes.  The HMR consultation had shown the majority in favour of demolition, followed by maintenance of the properties and lastly selective demolition.


3 options for the future were set out in the report with associated costings where applicable i.e. do nothing, refurbishment and development and clearance and redevelopment.


Taking a decision on transformational change resulted in implications for the whole Pathfinder Programme in terms of capital and an ability to rehouse residents.  There was felt to be a need to agree priorities across each ADF to ensure the ability to deliver simultaneous interventions within existing and future resource constraints.  Uncertainty over the level of HMR capital resources in the next funding period was also a complicating factor.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report and progress being made in the study area be noted.


(2)  That an ADF Chairs workshop be held to agree priorities for investment across the HMR Pathfinder Programme.

Meeting: 19/03/2007 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 135)

Canklow Stock Condition Survey and Options Appraisal

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 122 of 22nd January, 2007, Uzma Sattar, HMR Manager, Rotherham West, submitted a report on the consultation event held on 19th February, 2007, and proposed next steps following discussion with residents.


Leaflets had been distributed to 107 properties falling within the study area as well as letters and fliers to the landlords/managing agents of property to ensure they were aware of the event.  A door knocking exercise had also taken place to ensure that any specific needs could be addressed and to ensure the residents received the publicity.


A total of 60 people had attended, 53 of which were from the study area.  A public exhibition/display area was arranged for the residents to look through and consider the 9 options which were themed in 3 categories – keep properties, selective demolition and demolition.


Discussion took place around demolition and the decanting of residents.  The 1st phase of redevelopment had started on Canklow Hill Road to which those affected residents would be offered the opportunity to move to should demolition be agreed by Members.


Agreed:-  That the report be noted.