Issue - meetings

West Centre Masterplan Update.

Meeting: 17/03/2008 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 44)

West Central Masterplan Update

-        Presentation by Uzma Sattar, Programme Co-ordinator.


Karl Dalgleish, Ekos Consultants, gave a powerpoint presentation on the above, with particular reference to Stage 4 of the commissioned work.


Stakeholder consultation resulted in the development of options which have been taken to community consultation events in the West Central areas in October/November 2007.


The presentation gave details on:-


-                       Baseline Analysis which provided an understanding of the area, how it functions, the people within it and their housing and neighbourhood needs.

-                       Series of Themes were developed these included comprehensive development, neighbourhood pilots, connectivity and cohesion.

-                       Design Vision focussed on high quality urban environment to live, work and play with a focus on six distinctive neighbourhoods/character areas,  The vision for the area is to build on the eco homes concept retaining industrial heritage and improving the property choice.  The area should be matched with strong community facilities and green corridors.

-           Programme Summary highlighted that there is a potential investment of over £200 million over the next 10 years.  The major funder is expected to be the Private sector; A total of 1,000 new homes on 17.3ha land have been proposed including four and five bedroom houses with the potential of a quarter of these being delivered by 2011; An introduction of 1900-sqm of new commercial floorspace and a further 280 properties improved.

-           HMR Priorities – streetscape improvements within the holmes/Ferham area; Ivanhoe Industrial area – site acquisition and development briefs; stock condition survey – Thornhill; enhanced town centre connections (Masbrough)

-           Next Steps amend draft masterplanning document to reflect consultation comments and present to NAS Cabinet member and Regeneration and Asset Management Board for approval


Discussion ensued on the following issues:-


-                       Need to retain leisure/recreational space on the old Thornhill school site

-                       Housing Market Assessment in relation to mix of stock and balance on the Ivanhoe site in view of the number of 4/5 bedroomed properties

-                       ECO Standards

-                       Rents – affordability

-                       Rateable Values

-                       Involvement/views of Planning Officers and discussions with regard to LDF

-                       Reduced Capital Receipts to ensure the quality of design and wider neighbourhood regeneration needs are met.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the content of the presentation be noted


(2)         That ward members views are set out in subsequent reports


(3)         That the presentation be given at the next meeting of the Regeneration and Asset Board.


(4)         To note that the Masterplan be submitted to the Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Panel in due course.