Issue - meetings

Brampton Masterplan

Meeting: 19/01/2009 - Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder (Item 35)

Brampton Masterplan

- report by Chris Brown


The Place Shaping Co-ordinator submitted a report which provided a general overview of the Masterplan together with identified key issues.


The Chapel area was consider as a major focus area and had been considered in grater detail.  The study presented a number of housing-led investment options involving varying degrees of investment.


The options required further analysis and costing and the identification of available funding resources to support investment.  Once resources were determined, final options would be submitted for consideration.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the principles expressed within the Masterplan be supported.


(3)  That a further report be submitted detailing specific investment options for Brampton.