Issue - meetings

KPI Indicators

Meeting: 27/07/2009 - The Former Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods (Item 40)

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Further to Minute No. 55(2) of 2nd March, 2009, the Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report highlighting the 3 Key Performance Indicators that had been off target in Quarter 3.  The accompanying report from 2010 Rotherham Ltd. also gave the year end information for each as follows:-


NM72 – Urgent repairs completed in time

2008/09 Outturn 97.99% (target 99%).  This was largely attributable to problems with technology which, once resolved, saw uplift in performance to 98.68% in March, 2009.  Performance was within the national upper middle quartile for 2008/09.


BV211a – Programmed/Responsive Repairs

2008/09 Outturn 47% planned (target 53.66%).  This was a result of increased emergency and urgent jobs and an increase in the number of empty homes.  It was not clear how 2010 planned to improve performance and progress would be monitored via liaison meetings.


BV212 – Empty Property Re-let Times

2008/09 Outturn 39.45 days (target 23).  Contributors to the drop in performance included an increase in the number of homes re-let by 85 (compared with the previous year) and a high number (51) of sheltered properties which were generally harder to let.  Void turnaround times had been the subject of a recent Scrutiny Review which had resulted in a number of actions.  These appeared to be effective as performance in April had been 21.92 days.


Discussion ensued on sheltered properties and their letting ability.  It was the case that such properties sat empty longer than general properties and work was taking place investigating the contributory factors.  The assessment process was to ensure those people with specific housing needs got the correct properties, however, there were pockets of harder to let properties that, despite, the assessment process, were still empty for long periods of time.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That regular performance reports be submitted on the off target Key Performance Indicators.