Issue - meetings

Beeversleigh - JANE davies-HARE

Meeting: 23/09/2009 - The Former Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods (Item 61)

61 Beeversleigh Petition pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 61 of 1st September, 2008, the Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods presented the submitted report which provided a response from 2010 Rotherham Ltd. in respect of a petition received to reinstate the Caretaker at Beeversleigh. 


He summarised the main concerns raised and actions taken as follows:-


·      Poor standard of cleanliness of the building (Action: The building was now cleaned once a week, this was managed by Facilities Services and monitored by the neighbourhood office).


·      Confusion over how to report estate problems and repairs, and over the role of the Estate Officer (Action: Information was provided to residents via letters and posters to clarify roles and set out contact details.  Home visits were also carried out to explain that there was no longer a site-based Caretaker and to clarify the role of Estate Officers).


·      Concern over health and safety, specifically lack of fire alarm testing (Action: Fire alarm now tested every week at the same time, residents informed).


·      Lack of clarity regarding service charges (Action: Confirmed no service charge was paid by residents other than rent and district heating).


·      CCTV not working properly (Action: CCTV was now operating correctly, viewable from within residents’ homes, and was monitored by the Safer Neighbourhood Teams.  Estate Officers were now part of the SNTs and partnership working had been strengthened.  Police Community Support Officers attended a community meeting to provide advice on crime prevention).


·      Bin chutes and bin rooms not cleaned (Action: Arrangements put in place for cleaning of bin chutes).


·      Cracks noted at the bottom of the building (Action: A joint 2010 / RMBC structural survey took place and ascertained that the cracks were not dangerous - currently investigating cause).


·        Inadequate recycling facilities (Action: Recycling Service would be looked at for flats throughout the Borough.  Discussions were currently taking place with RMBC Recycling Team)


The Cabinet Member asked for further information relating to the costs involved in reinstating the caretaker.  The Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods agreed to look into this and report back directly to the Cabinet Member with his findings.


Resolved:- (1) That the content of the report be noted.


(2) That the action taken by 2010 Rotherham Ltd. be approved, but further work be undertaken into what costs would be involved in reinstating the caretaker.