Issue - meetings

St Joseph’s Court Sheltered Housing Scheme - Petition

Meeting: 07/06/2010 - The Former Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods (Item 1)

1 St Joseph’s Court Sheltered Housing Scheme - Petition pdf icon PDF 39 KB


The Strategic Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods reported receipt of a petition on 23rd February, 2010, signed by 15 residents living within the St. Joseph’s Court Sheltered Housing Scheme.


The residents were concerned that the charge for the use of the laundry facilities were due to rise to £1.00 in April, 2010 and had requested an interim rise in April with the full cost being implemented in 2011.


In accordance with Minute No. 84(3) of 29th September, 2008, consultation had taken place with tenants and residents in relation to the charging policy.  The cost of the service had not been reviewed for more than 30 years with the charge no longer reflecting the large rises in utility costs and being heavily subsidised by the communal facility charge.


On 2nd March, 2009 (Minute No. 157) consideration was given to a report outlining various proposals for the Neighbourhood Centres.  This had included an increase to the laundry charges which at that time stood at 10p per wash and 10p per dry.  It was agreed that the charges would increase from the 6th April, 2009, to 50p per wash and 50p per day and from April, 2010, increase to £1 per wash and £1 per dry.


In order to ensure that Neighbourhood Centres were sustainable in the future, income needed to be generated and that any charges for laundry reflected the costs of providing that service as previously approved.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the petition be noted.


(2)  That Minute No. 157 of 2nd March, 2009, be reconfirmed i.e. that laundry charges be increased from 6th April 2009 from 10p per wash and 10p per dry to 50p, and from April 2010, this should be increased to £1 per wash and £1 per dry.


(3)  That the petitioners be informed of the above.