Issue - meetings

Dawson Croft

Meeting: 20/09/2010 - The former Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods (August 2010-February 2015) (Item 47)

47 Dawson Croft pdf icon PDF 95 KB


Following approval by Cabinet (Minute No. 130 of 25th October, 2006 refers) of the Borough-wide Sheltered Housing Review, Dawson Croft was approved for decommissioning as a sheltered housing scheme as it did not meet the Rotherham Sheltered Housing Standard for such provision.  It had been agreed that the process of decommissioning be achieved through normal tenancy termination processes with empty homes not being relet. 


Since 2006 there had been a gradual process of decommissioning, 17 empty homes of the 30 on the scheme, but had become very protracted and was likely to remain so adopting the current approach.  In seeking to effectively manage homes that the Borough required, a review of Dawson Croft had been completed by the Neighbourhood Investment Service.  The review concluded that it should be retained for the purposes of affordable housing provision, targeted initially at the over 60 age group and subject to the provisions of a Local Lettings Policy, and that the existing bedsits be converted to self-contained flats to better meet the current and future needs and aspirations of housing applicants.


An open day/market testing event had been held to assess current demand from applicants over 50 years with a furnished show flat used for viewing purposes.  The event had proved very successful in attracting interest from a diverse range of applicants who positively expressed an interest in living in Dawson Croft.


Due to the nature of its construction, the presence of and access to communal corridors and facilities and in order to sustain new and existing tenancies created within Dawson Croft, a Local Lettings Policy was considered essential.  It was proposed that it would include:-


-        Allocations would not be made to applicants who had a history of drug and alcohol related issues, anti-social behaviour issues or a criminal record within a 12 month period

-        Preference to be given to applicants over 60 years of age in the first instance followed by a decreasing age range to include to 50 plus age group

-        Residents and Members would be kept informed and consulted on any proposed changes to the LLP


A survey of all the empty homes had identified only 1 that was not Decent Homes compliant due to refusal; the remaining empty properties would require £21,000 to bring them back into use.  Currently there was no demand for bedsit accommodation of which there was 7 in the scheme.  It was proposed that they be converted into 2 bedroomed self-contained flats at a cost of £32,000 per dwelling.


Discussion ensued on those aged 60 years plus who lived in under occupied properties.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the redesignation of Dawson Croft as a general needs housing scheme for the 50 plus age group be approved.


(2)  That the reletting of empty homes at Dawson Croft, subject to the Local Lettings Policy, be approved.


(3)  That the conversion of 8 existing bedsits to self-contained flats be supported.


(4)  That the relocation of an existing resident to an alternative 1 bed flat at Dawson  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47