Issue - meetings

Housing and Neighbourhoods 1st Quarter Performance 2010/11

Meeting: 20/09/2010 - The former Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods (August 2010-February 2015) (Item 52)

52 Housing and Neighbourhoods 1st Quarter Performance 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 101 KB

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The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services, presented the submitted report which outlined the Key Performance Indicator results and efficiency projections for the first quarter of 2010/11.


At the end of June, of the 11 Key Performance Indicators included within the suite, there were 9 Indicators where performance information was available.  Of those, 100% were in line to achieve their year end targets.  For 2 Indicators (NAS22b and NI187) performance information would not be available until later in the year.


The Indicators currently on target were:-


-        NAS17 Average re-let time from termination to start of new tenancy

-        NAS22 Private sector homes demolished/made fit

-        NAS30 Percentage spend of the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder

-        Number of ‘Affordable’ homes delivered

-        Percentage of non-decent Council housing

-        NI182 Satisfaction  of business with local authority regulation services

-        NI184 Food establishments in the area which are broadly compliant with food hygiene law

-        NAS34 Average length of time waiting for major adaptations from assessment to work beginning

-        NI156 Number of households living in temporary accommodation


The performance exceptions were:-


-        NAS22 Private sector vacancies brought back into use or demolished (Neighbourhoods)

Performance at the end of June was 28 compared to the quarter control target of 20.  The overall target for 2010/11 was 98.


-        NI158 % Non Decent Council Housing (2010 Rotherham Ltd.)

Reduced from 6.29% (1,319 dwellings) at the end of 2009/10 to 4.10% (857 dwellings) at the end of June.


-        NI155 Number of Affordable Homes delivered (Neighbourhoods)

At the end of the 1st quarter there had been an additional 48 affordable homes delivered, ahead of the control target of 40 and in line to achieve the LAA target for the year of 256.


-        NI156 Number of Households living in Temporary Accommodation

      As at the end of June, 27 households in temporary accommodation ahead of the monthly control target of 32.  In line to achieve the year end target of 28.


-        NAS17 Average Relet Time (2010 Rotherham Ltd.)

Increase (26.53) since the reported figure of 18 days at the end of last year.  A potential increase had been identified by the Service Performance team as last year’s reported empty property figures excluded properties undergoing major works which were not in line with the Indicator definition.  2010 had undertaken a review of the Empty Property Management process and had addressed the issue with the resulting impact on the number of days taken.


There had been 420 lettings in the 1st quarter compared to 407 in the same period last year.  At the end of the 1st quarter the number of empty properties (244) had increased from 242 (2009/10 year end).  However, the latest available information indicated that there had been a reduction in empty properties down to 211 (23rd August, 2010).


Resolved:-  That the 1st quarter position and the excellent progress in performance be noted.