Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/04/2011 - The Former Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Panel (Item 73)



The Chair thanked Andrew Roddison, co-opted member, for his time and efforts on the Panel’s behalf.  She also wished him and any other Panel Member seeking re-election good luck for the 5th May, 2011.

Meeting: 10/03/2011 - The Former Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Panel (Item 62)



The Chair reported that Jack Carr and his wife had celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 3rd March, 2011.


Resolved:-  That the Panel’s congratulations be conveyed to Mr. and Mrs. Carr.

Meeting: 27/01/2011 - The Former Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Panel (Item 57)



Reference was made to Minute No. C149 (Housing Rent Increase 2011/12) of a meeting of the Cabinet held on 19th January, 2011 and concern expressed that this matter had never been submitted to this Scrutiny Panel.


Whilst it was acknowledged that the proposed housing rent would increase, there had been no discussion on the increases proposed for garage rents, heating charges and communal facilities for 2011/12 with this Panel.


It was suggested that whilst the decision was to be considered by the Council on Wednesday, 2nd February, 2011, a report be included on the agenda for this Panel’s next meeting and that the Cabinet Member be asked to attend and explain the rationale as to why there had been no discussion by Scrutiny.