Issue - meetings

Adverse Weather Conditions

Meeting: 27/01/2011 - The Former Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Panel (Item 58)

Adverse Weather Conditions - Effect on Heating in Council Properties


Consideration was given to a report circulated by Dave Richmond, Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods, which set out the circumstances which resulted in a loss of heating and hot water on a major scale for residents across the Borough as a result of central heating failures due to frozen condensate pipes.


The Chairman referred to Minute No. 112(b) of a meeting of the Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee held on 14th January, 2011 where it was reported that the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel was to set up a joint scrutiny review to look at the response to the snow events in November and December, 2010 and which should include the disturbance to residents as a result of the central heating failures.


A date had been proposed for the full day scrutiny review involving Members of both the Regeneration and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Panels, but the central heating elements were to be considered at 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 22nd February, 2011 at the Town Hall.


Anyone wishing to be involved in this Scrutiny Review or provide any information should contact Sioned-Mair Richards, Scrutiny Adviser.


Dave Richmond pointed out that Wilmot/Dixons also had a member of staff who sat on a national panel and was in a position to report on Government guidelines into the installation of condensing boilers and who could be invited as part of the Scrutiny Review to provide information.


The Scrutiny Panel expressed their concern for the vulnerability of residents in Rotherham who had suffered through the cold weather without heating and suggested that consideration be given to inclusion of these kind of elements in the Emergency Plan.


Resolved:-  (1)  That anyone wishing to be involved in the joint scrutiny review into the snow events of November and December (primarily the central heating elements) should contact the Scrutiny Adviser.


(2)  That Wilmot/Dixons be contacted to ensure the member of staff’s availability to provide information.