Issue - meetings

Strategic 4 Year Plan

Meeting: 27/06/2011 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 11)

11 Future Challenges to the NHS pdf icon PDF 987 KB

- Chris Edwards, Chief Operating Officer, NHS Rotherham


Chris Edwards, Chief Operating Officer NHS Rotherham, gave the following presentation entitled ‘Future Challenges to the NHS – What do they mean to Rotherham’:-


National Picture

-        Commissioning by GPs

-        Requirement to reduce NHS Rotherham workforce by 45%

-        Responsibility for Health Improvement to transfer to RMBC and Public Health England to lead on Public Health

-        Major ‘listening exercise’ reported last week


South Yorkshire Picture

-        Cluster of commissioners formed to help NHS Rotherham manage the transition

o       Rotherham

o       Sheffield

o       Barnsley

o       Doncaster

o       Bassetlaw


-        Timeframe

o       April, 2012

§         Health Watch established (group to ensure views of patients and carers are represented)

§         Health and Wellbeing Boards established

§         Shadow GP Commissioning Consortia


  • April, 2013

§         NHS Rotherham abolished

§         GP Consortia (Clinical Commissioning Groups) and other healthcare professionals take up most commissioning responsibilities

§         NHS Commissioning Board takes on responsibility for primary care services and specialised services

§         Local authorities responsible for health improvement


The Current Position of the NHS in Rotherham

-        The next 4 years will be extremely challenging.  However, NHS Rotherham had a strong starting position with:-

  • A sound financial position – no historical debts
  • All major targets on track
  • Transfer of Community Services completed 1st April, 2011
  • All local providers were Foundation Trusts
  • Positive engagement from GPs


Efficiency Programmes

-        Breakdown of £72.8 M Total System Efficiency Challenges for the Rotherham health system over the next 4 years

  • QIPP Efficiency (NHS Rotherham) £24,159,000
  • Provider Efficiency (RFT) £27,134,000
  • Provider Efficiency (Other) £21,538,000


Local Efficiency Programmes

-        Breakdown of £24.2M Efficiency Programmes for NHS Rotherham

  • Management Costs £3,110,000
  • Prescribing £5,290,000
  • Long Term Conditions/Urgent Care £7,299,000
  • Planned Care £7,940,000
  • Specialised Services £520,000


NHS Rotherham Priorities

-        Performance

o       Continue to ensure services were safe, that quality was improving and that financial/performance targets were met

-        Improvement

o       Continue to implement Strategic Plan, Better Health Better Lives, focusing on the things that will make health and health services better in Rotherham

-        Efficiency

  • Deliver the programmes that would ensure that we did not make unplanned cuts to services


Corporate Priorities

-        Transition – Continue to work with

o       GPs to manage the transition to GP commissioning

o       SY & Bassetlaw Cluster to achieve effective transfer of commissioning responsibilities

o       RMBC and PH England to manage the implications of the PH White Paper

o       Partners and stakeholders to ensure they are fully engaged with transitions


Discussion ensued and reference was made to the need for regular update reports and the Council’s political portfolio restructure in relation to health was outlined.


Resolved:- That the information be noted.