Issue - meetings

Revenue Outturn 2010/11

Meeting: 13/06/2011 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Independence Health and Wellbeing (Item 3)

3 Adults Capital Expenditure Outturn 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 33 KB

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Mark Scarrott, Finance Manager (Adult Services) presented the submitted report informing Members of the Capital Outturn against approved budget for Adult Services for the 2010/11 financial year.


It was reported that the Capital Outturn for Adult Services for the financial year 2010/11 was £459,785 against an approved budget of £800,600, resulting in an overall underspend of £340,815. 


It was explained that the main variations from budget were delays in implementation of the Electronic Home Care Scheduling System (EHCSS) and slippage on the development of a number of IT projects into 2011/12.


A brief summary of the Outturn position for each project was set out in the submitted report.


Members’ attention was drawn to the following:-


Older People

-          completion of the landscaping works at the 2 residential care homes

-          health funding for Assistive Technology committed during the year with the balance carried forward to meet future commitments

-          residential care – improving the environment within the 2 residential care homes


Adult Services – Learning Disabilities

-          refurbishment at Addison Day Centre and at Treefields Close Respite Unit


Adult Services – Mental Health

-          developing revised models for providing Supported Living Services and Joint Services with the voluntary sector

-          purchase of equipment from EMI clients within the 2 in-house residential care homes

-          development of spending plans re:  Intensive Supported Living schemes; the use of Telecare/Assistive Technology solutions; the development of Dementia Cafes; the development of services for people under 65 years with dementia; user-led service developments to assist people into employment;  support for capital developments around Direct Payments.


Management Information

-          The Social Care IT Infrastructure grant used during to develop further the Adults Integrated Solution and the development of Electronic Social Care Records.

-          Introduction in 2010/11 of a new Capital Grant to assist councils in transforming Adult Social Care.  Spending plans had been identified including improvements to systems for Direct Payments working closely with RBT and the development of an e-market place. 



-          delays in implementation of Electronic Home Care Scheduling System


Members raised and discussed the following:-


-          environmental improvements re:  residential care

-          staff awareness of the use of assistive technology


Resolved:- That the unaudited 2010/11 Capital Outturn report for Adult Services be received and noted.