Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care 4th Quarter Performance

Meeting: 27/06/2011 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 10)

10 Adult Social Care 4th Quarter Performance pdf icon PDF 34 KB

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Steve Lightfoot, Performance Officer, presented the submitted report which outlined the 2010/11 Quarter 4 Key Performance Indicator results for the Adult Social Care elements of the Directorate.   At the end of the Quarter, 9 (75%) out of the 12 Key Performance Indicators had achieved their targets:-


-        NI136 People Supported to Live Independently – Achieved 2,882 against a target of 2,800.  This was an improvement from 2,358 in 2009/10 and rated next to bottom quartile for all England and our comparator group, an improvement of 1 quartile from last year


-        NI141 Vulnerable People achieving Independent Living – Achieved 89.13% against a target of 85%, an improvement on 2009/10 (88.17%)


-        NAS1 Reviews – Achieved 87.32% against a target of 87%, an improvement on 2009/10 (82.50%).  Rated top quartile for all England and comparator group


-        NAS18 People receiving a Statement of Need -  Achieved 98.28% against a target of 98%, an improvement on 2009/10 (96.21%)


-        NI125 Intermediate Care – Achieved its 85% target, an improvement on 2009/10 (84.17%) and rated next to top quartile for all England and top quartile for comparator group


-        NI130 Self Directed Support – Achieved 50.31% against a target of 50%, an improvement from 8.62% in 2009/10


-        NI135 Carers Service – Achieved 31.80% against a target of 30%, an improvement from 29.61% in 2009/10 and rated top quartile for all England and next to top quartile for comparator group


-        NI145 LD Clients in Settled Accommodation – Achieved 72.29% against a target of 72%, an improvement from 72.38% in 2009/10 and rated top quartile for all England and next to top quartile for comparator group


-        NAS46 Safeguarding Cases substantiated – Achieved 93.1% against a target of 75%, an improvement from 61.1% in 2009/10


The following 3 performance measures did not achieve their Quarter 4 targets:


-        NI 1336 Timeliness of Social Care Assessments

Year end performance was 81.89% against a target of 90%.  This had improved from 79.98% at the end of February and had improved compared to the 2009/10 baseline (80.71%).  The introduction of OT activity had had the biggest impact on the figures and the reason why performance was off target.  Performance did improve during Quarter 4 but not in time to achieve the year end target.  There were plans to align the OT Service with the Social Work Teams in 2011/12 with performance closely monitored on a weekly basis.


-        NI133 Waiting Times for Care Packages

Year end performance was 94.50% against a target of 96%.  This had improved from 92.05% at the end of February and had improved compared to the 2009/10 baseline (94.23%).


-        NI146 LD Clients in Employment

Current performance for March was 3.94% against a stretch target of 6.26%.  This had improved from 3.77% at the end of February but had deteriorated compared to the 2009/10 baseline (5.58%).  Performance had deteriorated due to some people having lost their employment since last year’s score.  The largest impact had been job losses at Speakup self advocacy.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10