4 Representation on Outside Bodies/Memberships etc 2011-2012 Municipal Year PDF 28 KB
Consideration was given to representation on outside bodies/memberships etc 2011-2012 Municipal Year.
Resolved:- That following appointments be made:-
Rotherham Bond Guarantee Scheme:- Councillor Sims
RUSH House Management Committee:- Councillor Ellis
Social Concerns Committee Churches Together:- Councillor Sims
Environmental Protection - Yorkshire and Humberside Division:- Mr. Jack Carr, and Councillors Andrews, Atkin and Beaumont
Yorkshire and Humberside Pollution and Advisory Council:- Mr. Jack Carr and Councillor Ellis
Women’s Refuge:- Councillor Sims
Groundwork Creswell, Ashfield and Mansfield:- Councillor Whysall (as substitute for Councillor Swift)
Health, Welfare and Safety Panel:- Councillor Swift; substitute:- Councillor P. A. Russell
Local Development Framework Members’ Steering Group:- Councillor Whysall, Chair, of the Improving Places Select Commission
Recycling Group:- Councillors Atkin and Falvey