5 Refresh - Rotherham Town Centre Strategy & The National Review of High Streets PDF 47 KB
Paul Woodcock, Director of Planning and Regeneration, and Simeon Leach, Regeneration Manager, to report.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Director of Planning and Regeneration, setting out the proposed content and timescales for a new all-encompassing strategy for Rotherham town centre that will support and encourage its long-term sustainable regeneration and growth.
The report was supported by a PowerPoint presentation which referred to the following:-
- Westgate Demonstrator Project
- Railway Station
- Minster Gardens
- Community Stadium
- Riverside House
- Civic Site
- Markets Re-development
- Future development sites:- Weirside; Forge Island; Westgate – cessation of national and European funding streams
- purpose of the review
- Rotherham represented at the launch
- challenges in Rotherham
- local competition
- shopper profile
- perceived high vacancy rate
- limited influence on the market
- inactive/absent landlords
- reliance on public sector funding for schemes and projects
· Examples of successes in Rotherham:-
- Business Vitality Grants Scheme: number of new businesses created; target market
- Shop Local Initiative – also developing a gift card scheme
- improved appearance of empty shops
- One Town:- dedicated team with partner agencies working to make the town centre clean, safe and welcoming
· Review of High Streets - Future Priorities
- public funding for capital and revenue works
- rent and rates
- car parking
- empty properties
- planning
Further information about the Review of High Streets is available on www.bis.gov.uk/highstreet.
A questions and answers session ensued covering the following:-
- access to the Stadium
- comparative towns in Yorkshire and the varied reasons for the current trading position in town centres
- press and publicity about Rotherham
- lighting and security in the town centre
- use of empty shops
- creation of an Enterprise Zone: noting this would be flagged up as part of the review and Rotherham would offer to be a pilot
- the need for parking close to the shops
- changing shopping patterns i.e. internet shopping
- Rotherham’s vibrant night scene
- the need for an attractive mix of shops suitable for all age groups
Resolved:- That the Panel notes the report and content of the presentation.