Issue - meetings

NAS Projects in Local Neighbourhood Centres.

Meeting: 06/07/2011 - Improving Places Select Commission (Item 6)

NAS Projects in Local Neighbourhood Centres

Presentation by Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager.


The Commission received a PowerPoint presentation by Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Investment Manager, relating to NAS projects in Local Neighbourhood Centres.


Particular reference was made to the following:-


  • Neighbourhood centres:-

-          successful centres and their qualities

-          failing neighbourhood centres – reasons they were deemed to be failing


  • Physical interventions at:-

-          Wath Town and Swinton Town Centres;  Rawmarsh Local Centres;  Bellows Road;  Canklow Local Service Centre; 

-          Gateway improvements at:-  Dalton

-          Dinnington Town Centre


  • Non-physical interventions:-

-          Business Regulation Services:-  Food, health and safety team;  Trading Standards;  Licensing

-          Community Protection Services:-  Local Environmental Quality;  Neighbourhood Wardens:  Environmental Impact assessments


·        Neighbourhood Partnerships:-

-          Community Planning

-          Area Assemblies

-          Local Action Plans


·        Resources:-

-          Noting less capital and less revenue


·        Working differently:-

-          2010 Rotherham Ltd now reintegrated

-          Corporate Asset Management:-  Environment and Development and Neighbourhoods and Adult Services working together on Swinton assets

-          Locality based services:-  bringing together housing management, ASB, community partnerships and resident engagement


·        Prioritisation and targeting:-

-          LIP

-          Community Planning


A questions and answers session ensued regarding:-


  • Dinnington:-

-          identified as a “principle town” in the LDF

-          Master Plan

-          Sites with planning permission left undeveloped

-          Condition of town centre

-          Areas of high deprivation


·                    Stated aim of ensuring no community is left behind