Issue - meetings

Integrated Community Equipment Service - (ICES) Review (report herewith)

Meeting: 11/07/2011 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 17)

Integrated Community Equipment Service - (ICES) Review


The Chrissy Wright, Strategic Commissioning Manager, reported on the findings of the strategic review of the Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES); ICES was jointly commissioned by the Council and NHSR via a pooled budget under Section 75 of the Health Act (2006).


The review considered the future strategic relevance of the ICES and performance against the current contract.  Review recommendations supported the modernisation and reconfiguration of the Service to meet the prevention and personalisation agenda, achieve efficiencies, Value for Money and to effectively meet increasing demand and emerging need.


The new contract commenced in April, 2011, in line with the national Transforming Communities action plan when the Service transferred to the Rotherham Foundation Trust.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the responsibility for procurement/storage and administration of Minor Fixings Equipment through the ICES be discontinued and recommissioned separately to integrate with the fitting element of minor fixing equipment funded through a top slice of the current running costs.


(2)  That the review recommendations with regard to Service delivery be deferred pending the submission the outcome of the Equalities Impact Assessment.


(3)  That the suite of Performance Indicators, as set out in the report, be included in the contract specification and performance managed within a governance and contract management arrangement.


(4)  That the Service implement a ‘single point of access’ for practitioners via an on-line web enabled referral system.


(5)  That the reviews and follow-up contracts be implemented and prioritise reviews of high cost loan equipment.


(6)  (a)  That a balanced scorecard of Indicators be developed and performance managed to achieve efficiencies, improve Value for Money, reviews, recycling of high cost equipment and referral performance.


(b)  That contract management arrangements be implemented via a commissioner-led governance group.