Issue - meetings

Children's Cardiac Services Consutlation

Meeting: 14/07/2011 - Health Select Commission (Item 6)

6 Specialist Children's Heart Surgery Consultation pdf icon PDF 55 KB

- update by Deborah Fellowes

Additional documents:


Deborah Fellowes, Policy Manager, reported on the consultation that had taken place on the Safe and Sustainable – A New Vision for Children’s Congenital Heart Services in England.  The 4 month consultation had closed on 1st July, 2011.


It was proposed that the reconfigured Congenital Heart Networks across England would comprise of all of the NHS Services that provided care to children with Congenital Heart Disease and their families, from antenatal screening through to the transition to adult services.  However, in doing this there would be a reduction in the number of NHS hospitals in England that provided heart surgery for children from the current 11 hospitals to 6/7 in the belief that only larger surgical centres could achieve true quality and excellence.


Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees were being consulted as part of the statutory consultation process and, because it affected more than 1 Local Authority area, this was being co-ordinated in Yorkshire and Humber through a Joint Committee.  It should be noted that the period of Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees to respond to the consultation had been extended to 5th October, 2011.


Currently Rotherham children with serious congenital heart problems were referred to Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust for treatment which also supported outreach clinics at Rotherham Foundation Trust.  Leeds only featured in 1 of the 4 options for service configuration.  If closed, it was proposed that Rotherham children and families would receive services from 1 of 3 (Newcastle, Birmingham or Leicester).


The former Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel nominated 1 member from Rotherham (Councillor Ali) to be part of the Joint Committee.  The Scrutiny Panel also formed a small member working group consisting of Councillors Ali, Falvey and Sims to inform Rotherham’s input to the process.


It was proposed to continue with the above arrangements for the duration of the review and for any comments/concerns from the Health Select Commission to be referred to the member working group for Councillor Ali to raise with the Regional Committee.


The Cabinet had responded separately to the consultation opposing the closure of Leeds as a surgical centre.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the nominated members from the former Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel continue in their role for the duration of the review.


(2)  That comments on the report and any concerns/issues regarding the review of Children’s Cardiac Services be referred to the Council’s representative on the Regional Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


(3)  That the Cabinet’s response to the consultation be noted.


(4)  That further updates be submitted in due course.